I am really enjoying asking my funny friends questions and reading their funny answers for this questionnaire series. It definitely doesn’t make me feel un-funny by comparison!
For this week’s noozledda I talked to (emailed) Jamie Manelis, a writer you may have seen on TikTok, being non-consensually duetted upon by John Mayer.
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Jamie and I first met on Twitter (I THINK?) and quickly realized we shared a sense of humor, and an ex. Is it the same ex whose roommate is the brother of previous “Other Genius” David Sims? You bet it is. He’s a cool guy!
Hope everyone’s got some soup so we can dive right in.
What song are you especially into currently?
“I Want You” by Savage Garden!! They were also the first band I ever saw live. This song freakin rocks.
What is your greatest pet peeve?
This is not a good opinion but I really don't like when people say food words to describe non food things (yummy, yucky, delicious) I can’t help it I’m being honest ok!!!!!
What is the trait within yourself about which you feel the most ambivalent?
My need for attention.
How do you like to waste time?
Extremely long baths with the lights off and hanging with my dog
What is the most illegal thing you have ever done that you are willing to admit to here?
Lying to get into places/parties/events (is that illegal?? It feels illegal). Also I fully believe shoplifting should be legal from major corporations not that I do that or anything anyway next question
Whom do you consider to be the most overrated dead musician?
I just googled ‘dead musicians’ so I could pick someone but then I started thinking about death and how sad it is and then I thought ‘who am I to say someone is overrated?? At least they did something with their life’ and now I’m really sad that everyone I love is going to die one day and I wonder if I’ll accomplish even 1/10th of what these people did.
Anyway, Bob Marley.
Please put a selfie here:
Please put a feet pic here:
What is your favorite outfit worn by any character in The Devil Wears Prada?
I can’t remember but I love when they say the word ‘cerulean’
What do you consider the secret to your success?
Being delusional and afraid.
When have you been or felt the most FAMOUS in your life?
I went to see ABOUT TIME (2013) and when I was walking out of the theater an older man stopped me to ask for my autograph because he thought I was Rachel McAdams (I look nothing like Rachel McAdams…but let me have this)
What is your current Lock Screen?
I’m so glad you asked
How many piercings do you have, and where on your body are they? If none, what would you get if you had to?
When I was 19 I got my ear cartilage pierced in upstate NY when I was visiting my then boyfriend at Bard and then I spent all night watching youtube videos of people with infected ear piercings spreading to their brain and dying so I went to the ER and the doctor took it out and gave me xanax and basically called me a poser. He was right and now I just have normal ear piercings.
How many tattoos do you have, and where on your body are they? If none, what would you get if you had to?
I managed to live in Bushwick for 6 years and never got a tattoo which is honestly a huge accomplishment and secret blessing because I would have probably 7 bright eyes tattoos.
What is your most irrational fear or anxiety?
That everyone I love will die and it will be my fault. Also that there’s poison in my drink.
What is your favorite sex act or position?
They’re all disgusting
What do you think Taylor Swift is doing AT THIS VERY SECOND?
Flying her jet to jamba juice i know a strawberries wild girly when i see one!!
With an unlimited budget, what elective or cosmetic surgeries would you have done?
I would wait 20 years and then do whatever Sharon Stone and Julianne Moore did.
If you have a pet, put a picture here. If you don’t, feet again. If you have more than one pet, pick the cutest
This is the day I got Rosie Cannoli :)
Which Sex and the City character do you most identify with?
I’m a leo and I’m a writer AND I have big hair so I have to say Carrie right? Right??? Feels like I’m not supposed to say Carrie, but I do think about myself a lot and write down my little thoughts. But since I’m experiencing a little anxiety moment about worrying that I think I’m more of a Carrie feels like a Charlotte thing to do so gonna have to leave this one alone methinks
What is your credit score? C’mon, just tell me!
I believe everyone should have credit cards where you don’t have to pay them back (it’s bad)
How did you meet the person to whom you lost your virginity?
Starbucks (I know right??)
What is a conspiracy theory you actually think is true?
That certain celebrities are replaced with clones…you know who you are!!