I occasionally tell myself to “be of good cheer” (mom)
I keep a box of tissues in every room (dad)
I’m constantly rearranging my closet (mom)
And rearranging my apartment (mom)
I think commercials are way too loud (dad)
I feel slightly naked without earrings (mom)
Talking to my cat (dad)
When things don’t go my way I sort of shrug like “well, moving on” (dad)
I feel the urge to skim books (mom)
Gotta have my java (mom) (she doesn’t say java)
I’m real particular about food (dad)
I only want to sit in the good seats (mom)
I’m always doing the dishes (dad)
I love puzzles (stepdad Rick)
Sometimes I can’t remember someone’s name right away (all)
Via Peter and Victoria,
Ways I am turning into Hugh Grant: