Shady’s back, back again, with another installment of the OV,OG questionnaire. This week’s Genius is Laura Hankin, a writer. And not a writer in the wishy-washy way everyone’s a writer because they have a pitch deck or a tight five or a…newsletter. Laura’s a G-D novelist.
She wrote this book about witches that’s so fun! And also others.
Thank you, Laura, for using some of your sitting-at-your-computer time to write these answers when you could have been writing another thing.
What song are you especially into currently?
"Too Good to Be True" by Kacey Musgraves. She's back!!
What is your greatest pet peeve?
People standing in the middle of the escalator step so you can't get around them. I have places to be and I am often running late! (Which means that I probably exemplify many other people's pet peeve, tardiness.)
What is the trait within yourself about which you feel the most ambivalent?
My people-pleasing. Is that a good enough answer? I hope you like it!
How do you like to waste time?
Reading NYMag, refreshing NYMag to see if there are any new articles since I last read NYMag. Oh! Also getting way too into Am I The Asshole on Reddit.
At what age did you get your driver’s license?
18. I passed the test by one point literally the day before I left for college, and then proceeded to live in places where I only took public transit for a decade. (Never drive with me.)Â
What news topic that will always get you to click?
Stories about the book world, particularly involving bad behavior on Goodreads (of which there's been a spate lately!)
What is the most illegal thing you have ever done that you are willing to admit to here?
I stole a salt shaker from a grocery store in college
Please put a selfie here:
This was from the night I did my NYC book tour stop for my early 2000s-themed novel, and I was very tired and happy and pizza-stained and pregnant.
Please put a feet pic here:
What is your favorite outfit worn by any character in The Devil Wears Prada?
The gorgeous black dress that Andy wears to the charity benefit when Emily is sick
What do you consider the secret to your success?
The thrum of anxiety I feel when I go too long without working on a creative project -- keeps me motivated, baby!
When have you been or felt the most FAMOUS in your life?
When I was 23, I was in a touring children's show. 4 other actors and I drove around the country performing in various school auditoriums/lunchrooms, but occasionally we did the show at a legit theater and the kids would come in for a field trip. We ended up packing out this huge theater in Florida with at least a thousand children, and the way they screamed when we came onstage? I felt like I was Justin Bieber, and also like my eardrums might burst.
How many piercings do you have, and where on your body are they? If none, what would you get if you had to?
None! I used to have pierced ears but I was so lazy about wearing earrings that the holes closed up. If I had to get another piercing, I would just do my ears again, which I know is a very boring answer
How many tattoos do you have, and where on your body are they? If none, what would you get if you had to?Â
None, and I probably won't ever get one because I'm scared of both needles and committing to things. But if I had to, probably a line from a letter my mother wrote me before she died.
What is your most irrational fear or anxiety?
I think all of my many anxieties are very rational
What is the coolest object in your apartment/house/domicile?
When I moved to DC to move in with my now-husband, he made a book for me of all the coolest places and things to do here (because I was very skeptical that it could live up to NYC!)
Who or what is your most problematic fave?
I feel like Roald Dahl had some bad opinions but I don't want to know them
What do you think Taylor Swift is doing AT THIS VERY SECOND?
Sleeping, I hope. That woman needs to give herself a little break.
What is the most annoying thing about the city where you currently live?
That we have no vote in Congress, despite the fact that many people who live here are very politically passionate! (I don't know if "annoying" is the right term, actually -- infuriating?)
What is a trend you hope never comes back?
Low-rise jeans
Thank you for letting me send you a picture of Elijah Woods’s hobbit feet!! (And for asking me to do this.)