It’s my birthday! Almost! It’s my birthday in a few days! What do I want as a present for my special day? Well, lots of things.
First, I want everyone to share this newsletter with someone they think would like it.
Then, I want everyone to make sure they are registered to vote, and then vote. I’m not going to link to any resources for this — if you can’t figure out how to register, then maybe you’re not with it enough to vote, actually.
What else, what else…I’ve been leaning in to my inner Italian lately and coping with life’s stresses by making enormous vats of pasta, like, every night. If you want to contribute to my Emotional Support Pasta Fund, here ya go.
Can you read? If so, I cannot recommend this post highly enough:
Another something I would love is to understand why and how and why and how Fritos became A Cowboy Thing.
I was going to write a longer piece about culture Going Country, but who cares?
While we’re here, everyone do me a flavor and stream Kesha’s new music, for justice reasons.
To be honest, I could also use a few thoughtful suggestions of what to write about/what you’d like to read about on this here newsletter. I would have popped off about Hacks deserving the Emmy but then Hacks won the Emmy so, not a lot of water in that stone or whatever the Bible said.
PS - this came across my Explore page and struck me as perhaps the most thoughtful gift of all time, but the comedian telling the story, Ari Shaffir, might be problematic-adjacent (I don’t know the guy), so please don’t read too deeply into my including the clip here.